Tuesday 6 September 2016

Location Portraiture - Image Bank

This image has used a shallow depth of field and a vignette effect in order to make the girl the focus of the image. Whilst the eyes appear to be the part of this image that is the sharpest, I feel as though the viewers focus would be drawn towards the girls mouth due to her missing teeth. This image is likely to have been taken to show that the girl has lost her teeth. With this, there are connotations of growing up as the girl has lost her 'baby' teeth and is growing her 'adult' teeth. 

This image shows a woman standing in a field with the sunset behind her. Whilst the background is out of focus, we can still tell that the sun is setting from the golden colours throughout this image, and from how the sun is shining through her hair. This image could connote a feeling of freedom or isolation as we can see a vast amount of empty land behind her, with not another person in sight. This could make a person feel free as they feel they have escaped society, or isolated as they are the only one around. 

This picture focuses on the man by using an extremely narrow depth of field. This photographer would have used an f-stop of around f4.0 or less to create such a strong blur. There is also the possibility that the photographer edited the image in Photoshop to make it more blurred. Due to such stark contrast between the foreground and the background, this image could connote how the man feels separate from the world and how reality is blurred and distorted.  

Like the image above, this image uses an exceedingly narrow depth of field to create a contrast between the foreground and background, and to ensure that the subject of the image is the only thing that the viewer focuses on. The use of shallow depth of field could connote that she has shut out the world around her, and the way that the woman in the image is smelling the bunch of flowers in her hand could refer to the saying 'stop and smell the roses' - sometimes you need to slow down and just relax.

This image mostly uses wide depth of field, with a small portion of the background being blurred. This does not stop the viewers attention from being drawn towards the people, though, as they are central in the image and the colour of the girl's tracksuit contrasts with the dull greys and browns of her surroundings. This image connotes how the man in the image is protective of the woman, with the way he is holding her and the fact that she is sat on his lap. It also connotes this with the way he stares at the camera, almost trying to intimidate the viewer.

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