Thursday 6 October 2016

Low Key Beauty - Image Bank

This photographer has used blue and red gels to create a 3D effect within their photograph. They have also created this effect by capturing a slight movement of the model, making it appear slightly blurred. As the model is entirely illuminated from the front, it is clear that the lights with the colour gels and facing her from the front, not the back. I really enjoy how the light is flooding the woman entirely as it makes her appear unreal and, in a way, not human.

This image has used a diffusion filter to distort the bottom half of the image. This brings your focus entirely to the model's face. Again, the lights in this image are clearly illuminating the model from the front as the light covers her whole body. The fact that a hot pink background has been used contrasts majorly against the ice blue of the colour gel as the two colours are quite conflicting. The use of colours could connote gender stereotypes as while the woman has a background of pink, she is actually lit up in blue.

This image has also used a diffusion filter to create a blurred effect around the sides of the image. The colour gels used in this image do not appear too intense but instead add a soft glow to the image. We can see that the model in this image has a slightly darker skin tone and so the orange colour gel seems to make it warmer and brighter instead of changing it completely - like the blue colour gel.

This image is very interesting as it has used multiple flash and colour gels. It seems that an image was taken without a gel, and then a few more images were taken when the blue colour gel was over the light. This gives an airy effect to the image as it seems like blue smoke is floating around the model, but when you look closely you can see that multiple flash has been used and the blue portions of the image are actually her.

This image has used three different colour gels to create a wider distribution of colours. The different shapes and curves in her body/face means that different colours have hit different parts of her skin, creating a duo chrome effect. The way that the orange comes in from the left and hits her skin makes it seem as though there is warmth coming to her, which contrasts against the blue as it appears that her body is cold.

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