Thursday 20 October 2016

Photographer's Research - Sophie Day

Sophie Day is a young photographer from New York, America. Focussing her work on youth in New York and their formative years, Sophie particularly explores the nature of the young urban male in a series she called "FUCKBOY". In an interview with Hungertv, she describes this project as an "ongoing documentary focusing on six teenage boys in the city. I want to understand the construct of masculinity and expose the limitations and suffocation we force our boys into." Day also explores sexuality and gender roles within her works. Below are four examples of her images.

This image shows two boys hanging out in a dully lit room, where the walls are covered by graffiti. This gives the room an abandoned feel to it, although it could easily be someone's bedroom that they have decided to cover in graffiti as a form or expression. This shows a typical and everyday activity of youth where they are simply hanging out together and seemingly having a laugh. The environment they are in could possibly be one where they can relax and be themselves which is why there is nothing out of the ordinary happening in this photo. This image therefore does not conform to any negative stereotypes of youth, such as young people being violent.

This was taken in a public bathroom and shows a girl drinking out of a flask - therefore this image has connotations of alcoholism which is often linked with a rebellious youth stereotype. This image also goes against stereotypes of femininity and being 'ladylike' as this girl is wearing just a jacket and so her chest is slightly exposed whilst she drinks alcohol from a flash. This could be the girls own way of expressing herself and showing that you do not need to follow the gender roles that society have set out.

This image clearly shows where drugs are being used as the boy in this photograph is smoking from a bong. This could relate to the "suffocation" that Sophie Day refers to in her Hungertv interview as the pressures from society could be what have lead this boy to doing drugs - they may be a tool he uses to relax and destress. This clearly follows the rebellious stereotype of youth as doing drugs is illegal and so he is breaking the law by doing this.

The boy in this image is carrying a skateboard as he walks down the street, and so this give us an insight into what activities are popular with todays male youth. Not only does this picture tell us this, but it also shows us what style is worn by the current young generation as we can see his entire outfit due to the long shot this image was taken at. 

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