Tuesday 1 November 2016

Shoot One - Work Diary

For the first shoot of my project, I decided to focus on two girls sitting together in a relaxed environment. By shooting in this scenario, it would show the real side of youth as it represents what they do in their everyday lives. My aim for this shoot was to capture more candid images rather than ones that seemed to posed as I didn't want to set anything up for my images - I wanted to get snapshots of genuine moments. I felt that I was successful in this as, for the majority of images, I did not ask the subjects in the images to pose for pictures or direct them in any way. In this sense, I feel that this shoot links very well to the work of Musa N. Nxumalo and I am pleased with this as I really enjoy his work and find a lot of inspiration from it. The few times I did direct the images, I was not a fan of the outcome in terms of what I was looking for and the style of photographs I wanted to take.

Camera settings: 1/125, ISO 400, f8

The image above is my favourite from the shoot. It is a raw moment of a girl looking through her belongings. We can see the mess around her on the floor which connotes a carefree attitude and suggests that she was perhaps too indulged in what she was doing to see what was around her. This image also suggests innocence and nostalgia as she is looking through her "memory box" and so is reconnecting with her childhood.

I did not like this image. I felt that it was too posed and did not fit the theme that I wanted for this shoot. I do not feel as though you can get a feel of her personality or who she is as a person as she is just sitting there drinking. I wanted my images to capture some form of genuine emotion but as this image was more posed than the others, it is not successful in this. 

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