Tuesday 7 February 2017

Connecting Essay 3

This image features a dog and, presumably, its owner as they pose for the camera. The use of tones and depth of field in this image is intriguing as it really draws your attention towards the woman and the dog. The tones create quite an extreme contrast between the subject and the background as the background is almost completely black, whilst the woman and dog are quite light in tone. The depth of field brings focus towards the subjects as it is a narrow depth of field, and so the background is completely blurred. The way that the sun slightly pours through over the subjects softens the image and almost obscures the woman's face. Even still, you can still see her and the dog quite clearly and so this creates an interesting effect.

This image is of my friend and her dog. What I find interesting about this photo is how the dark tones contrast against the happiness of this image, creating an interesting vibe. The image is mostly made up of darker tones and black, with the lighter tones being situated in the centre of the image and so the viewer's attention is immediately drawn to this area. Not only is the attention drawn to the centre because of this, but also this is where the subjects of the photo are framed, making the focal point the centre of the image.

The main similarity between these photographs is that the subject of both images is a woman and a dog. In both pictures, the subject is the only focal point and so it makes the viewer look at the relationship between the dog and the owner. Another similarity is that both images use a black and white filter, which brings more focus to the subject and the details within the picture as there are no distracting colours. Not only this, but both photographs use light tones in the centre of the image and dark tones in the background in order to draw attention to this area.

On the other hand, there are a couple of differences. One difference is that the first image seems to focus more on the dog than the woman as she slightly hides her face behind the dog, whereas in my image both the dog and the girl are very clear to see. Furthermore, the top image was taken outside and uses natural light, which gives the image a softer feel whereas my image was taken inside and uses the flash from the camera and so appears sharper. 

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