Tuesday 21 June 2016

Animated Gif - Technique

Below I will be showing the step by step on how to create a gif in Photoshop.

Step 1: ensure that all of the images you would like to use in your gif are layered.

Step 2: go to window --> timeline.


Step 3: click on 'create video timeline'.


Step 4: ensure that all of your wanted images are on the same timeline and are in the order you want them. Then set each image to however long you want it to be. For example, with my gif, I set each image to 5 frames.


Step 5: click on the settings option next to the timeline. Tick the box that says 'loop playback' so that your gif loops. You can preview your gif before saving it by pressing the play button to the left of the settings.

Step 6: go to file --> save for web. Ensure that the preset is set to 'GIF 128 dithered' (top right) and that the looping option is set to forever (bottom right). 

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