Tuesday 21 June 2016

Animated Gif - Work Diary

For this topic I was tasked with creating an animated gif with Photoshop. I had created a gif through Photoshop in the past and so I was able to get on with this task easily and feel as though I was successful in this session. I decided I wanted four images in my gif and I wanted each image to last for 5 frames. I wanted the images in my gif to all relate and be from the same shoots, otherwise they would look too choppy and random. I only created two gifs and I feel as though I was successful with both, I much prefer one to the other. These gifs are below.

This was the gif that I enjoyed. I felt that the images I used went well together and the looping of this gif is smooth. I feel as though this goes so well together due to the greens and reds throughout the image as it all appears as more of a theme and overall appears to be more synced. I feel like this gif is good at showcasing nature in different forms.

Whilst I was successful in creating a gif with these images, I am not happy with the overall look of it.  I feel like this is because of the different colours as they do not compliment each other and so the gif does not transition smoothly. I also feel as though the position of the girls in the photographs makes the gif look choppy because they are all at different points in the frame.


If I were to create a gif again I would ensure that the images I use compliment each other with how the subject of the image is positioned. I also will ensure that the colours in each frame are similar so that the transition of the gif is smoother. Another thing I will do is make the images last for 10 frames instead of 5 as I feel like it moves too fast and you can't make the image out properly.

Can I use this in my project?

I will try and include this in at least one of my shoots for my project as I think it is an interesting technique, but I may not be able to as my shoots will be mostly documentary which I do not want to create gifs out of.

1 comment:

  1. Ok some good work here even though there are some concerns about the sue of colour the series works and connects well with Rankin's fashion photography approach.. view Hunger TV...
