Tuesday 14 June 2016

Macro - Image Bank

This image uses the macro technique to capture droplets of water on a petal. The pictures perfectly captures the droplets as they are all equally spaced and uniform. The punctum of this image is that you can see the reflection of a sunflower in the water drops. In the background, we can see this sunflower in its full size.

This photograph captures the reflection of a window in somebody's eye. The use of macro allows us to see what is reflected in the eye in extreme detail. The fact that the window is reflected in the person's eye means that this is what they were looking at when the photograph was taken. This could connote how they want to get outside and explore the world.

In this image we see two mushrooms growing amongst a ground covered in moss. From this, we know this was taken in a natural setting. Although the background is out of focus, you can tell that there is nothing else around but these mushrooms and so this image connotes how beauty can be found anywhere, so long as you look for it.

This photographer has used a macro lens in order to capture the shape and texture of this dogs nose. This image allows us to see something that we do not usually take notice of and cannot see in as much detail with our own eyes. 

This image captures a honey bee approaching a flower. We can assume that the bee is about to take the pollen from this flower as that is one of the main jobs that bees carry out. The bee is the punctum in this image as not only does it stand out due to the macro lens, but it stands out as it is the only living animal in the image. The colours of the bee also contrast against the pinks in the rest of the image.

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