Tuesday 14 June 2016

Macro - Work Diary

During this session we were tasked with taking images with a macro lens. My focus for this task was simply to get good quality images that show an extremely narrow depth of field as a result of the macro lens as I have always enjoyed how macro images look and so looked forward to experimenting with this technique. I feel that I was successful with this as I was able to take lots of images that I liked and there wasn't many that I didn't enjoy the outcome of. Although, I did struggle slightly with focussing on the right part of the image or the part that I wanted to be in focus as I was not used to working with a macro lens and so this was something completely new for me.

This was my favourite image from the shoot. I liked how it looked slightly creepy as it had been surrounded in darkness and the doll has a blank stare on its face. I feel that this image was successful in showing the macro technique as the doll's face and hair are in focus, but the neck down is out of focus. I like how the bright colours contrast against the black background as I feel this really makes the image pop. 

This was an image that I did not like. This is an example of how I struggled with the focussing on the camera as the whole image appears to be out of focus. I also feel as though it does not stand out much against the background in terms of colour as the padlock is completely silver (apart from the yellow circle) and so it is quite boring. If it were in focus, it may have looked better but I feel as though I should have chosen a different object to take a picture of. 


If I were to do this shoot again, I would spend more time choosing what I want to take pictures of as I feel as though I could've taken a wider variety of pictures and found objects with more colour/that were more interesting. I also would try out using a macro lens when taking portraits and taking close ups of peoples eyes as I enjoy how macro images of eyes look and so would like to have a go at this myself.

Can I use this in my project?

I will not be using this in my project as I am doing documentary photography and I am focussing on taking candid photographs of people. Due to this, I am unable to use macro photography as I feel as though you need to take your time and perfectly set up what you are taking a picture of.

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