Tuesday 27 September 2016

Multiple Exposure - Definiton and Technique


Multiple Exposure: In photography and cinematography, a multiple exposure is the superimposition of two or more exposures to create a single image, and double exposure has a corresponding meaning in respect of two images. The exposure values may or may not be identical to each other.


Camera Settings: 1/125, f/5.6, ISO 200

Lighting: natural lighting, soft box lighting

Equipment: tripod, soft box lights, tripod

How to Create Multiple Exposure

On the camera:

  1. Turn auto gain off.
  2. Number of shots (2).
  3. Turn multiple exposure mode on.
  4. Spot metering mode.
  5. Aperture priority mode.
  6. Focus point in centre.
  7. White out background.
  8. Take first picture.
  9. Turn up the exposure composition by two points.

In photoshop:

  1. Layer the two images.
  2. Change the top layer to 'screen'.


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