Tuesday 27 September 2016

Multiple Exposure - Work Diary

Today I explored the topic of multiple exposure. I have tried out this technique before, so I had an  idea of what to do and knew that this was a photographic style that I enjoyed. My aim for this lesson was simply to create photos that I was happy with, as I already understood how to create multiple exposure photographs. Although, I do want to attempt to create a photograph where the layers fade out into the white background as I was unable to do this when I have attempted to in the past.

This photograph is my favourite outcome of today. I achieved my aim of creating a photograph that blends into the background and so I am extremely happy with this image. I like how there are no gaps in the tree on the image that I used, so the image looks full and consistent.

I did not like this image. I feel as though the tree in the image I used is too sparse and so, overall, the picture looks incomplete. I also don't like how the sky was a blue-grey colour as it is quite inconsistent and looks patchy.


If I were to do this again, I would try and use more colourful pictures to layer on top of the portrait as I only managed to take pictures of trees - I would do this by taking pictures of different flowers as this would bring more vibrance into my pictures. I would also take pictures of different objects as I have only done these edits using plants before and so would like to try something new.

Can I use this in my project?

I am unable to include this in my project as I am conducting photo documentary and so this would not tie into that genre.

1 comment:

  1. add links to the the technique used and show examples of the working process through Photoshop..
