Thursday 6 October 2016

High Key Lighting - Image Bank

This photographer has used only black make up to create extreme contrast against the model's pale skin, light hair and the white background. This has created a black and white effect without the use of  Photoshop. This harsh contrast of black and white makes the blue of the woman's eyes pop and seem much more piercing - this is the punctum of the image.

Much like the image above, this photographer has used make up to create an effect within the photograph that would otherwise be done in Photoshop. The make up artist has used a blue lipstick to make the lips appear to break off in pixels. This could connote how the woman is losing her freedom of speech as her mouth is 'breaking off'.

This image has used make up and body paint to make the model completely white - this makes the blue on her cheeks and her blue eyes pop. This also makes the black make-up around her eyes seem darker and contrast greater against her skin. The make-up used in this image is very unique and stands out in the image, making it the punctum. The black make-up around each eye resembles birds, which could connote the strength and freedom of the woman.

This image uses sequencing to show the transition of this woman having more and more paint being added to her body. The vibrant colours of paint used really make this image pop and make it more eye-catching. The use of paint in the image is the punctum as it isn't something you would see in ordinary life - a person isn't likely to do this everyday or leave the house like this. This image could connote how far women go to reach beauty standards as they 'paint themselves' with make up. In this situation, they have actually used paint to represent this.

This image uses bright, pastel colours to add to the high-key lighting of the image. There is a lot of pink and white in this image, which are colours that, stereotypically, girls are supposed to like. This contrasts against the bright blue and yellow of her eye make-up and really makes it pop, drawing you towards her eyes over any other part of the image. As mentioned, this image uses stereotypical 'girly' colours of pink and white, and so this picture could connote conformity to gender stereotypes.

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