Tuesday 4 October 2016

High Key Lighting - Definition and Technique


High-Key Photography: High key photography is a modern lighting technique that is based on using mid-tone greys through to bright whites. The use of bright lights and lighting to eliminate shadow reduced the contrasts in the picture.

Key-Light: the main light used.

Beauty Dish: a circular dish which comes in white or silver - if white is used inside, it is more diffused. If silver is used, the light is more directional.

Diffusion Sock: a cover added to the beauty dish to diffuse the light further. 

Honeycomb Grid: placed over the light in order to control/restrict the spread of the light.

Colour-Gel: a toned gel which is placed over a light to alter the colour.

Fill Light: a light which fills in shadows.

Back Light/Clip Light: adds direct light behind the model to create a silhouette.

Diffusion Filter: a lens added to the camera to diffuse the actual image.

Lighting Diagram: a map of how the studio has been set out.


Camera Settings: f16, 1/125, ISO 200

Skills: Measure light with the intention of gaining more light in the background. Set key light at f8, set background lights two stops higher (f16).

Lighting: beauty dish, soft box, clip light.

Equipment: honeycomb grid, diffusion sock, colour gel, tripod.

Lighting Diagram:


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