Wednesday 23 November 2016

Shoot Five - Work Diary

For this shoot I wanted to focus on representing the style of today's youth, but wanted to find a way to  edit the photographs in an interesting and unique way and so decided to create a photo joiner out of different parts of peoples outfits. I felt that this was a captivating way of representing the different styles and fashions that different teenagers have created for themselves, whilst still showcasing my skills in editing. I am very happy with the outcome of this joiner as I feel that it shows the different styles very well and shows how contrasting each persons outfits are. As I only created the one joiner, I decided to use the separate images I took individually as well as I really enjoyed the outcome of those on their own and felt that they looked interesting as a cohesive body of work.

Camera settings: 1/125, ISO 200, f8 - I used the light meter to work out these settings.

I used a simple set up of two soft box lights for this shoot as I wanted to take close ups of people, and so I felt this was the most suitable option. It meant that, whatever angle I took the photo from, it was lit up evenly. By setting it up this way it meant I had enough room to more around and take images from different angles.
I feel that this image clearly shows the range of people that I photographed as I claimed to include a part of each model in some way. Through using a joiner, it closely shows the differences and similarities in the different clothing items and implies how each person represents themselves through the use of dress. Whilst I am proud of this outcome, I feel that I do want to focus more on documentary photography and the behaviours of youth.

This was an image I did not like. As mentioned above, I decided to use the individual photos I took as results from this shoot as I really enjoyed how they looked on their own as well as in the joiner. However, I felt that this image was very plain as the girl is wearing all black clothing and so there is nothing interesting happening/nothing to grab your attention. I also do not like how the lighting is off on the right of this photograph compared to the left.


  1. discuss in mrs detail why this image links to youth and identity.. e.g. discuss the branding/use of branded clothes..

  2. please ensure in future shoots that there is an explanation of the working process...
