Wednesday 23 November 2016

Shoot Five - Straight Image

This image shows us how different and unique each person is, and how they express themselves through their style. By combining many different people's outfits, it shows us how each person has a unique look, but they are all a part of the same generation/culture.

I really enjoy the framing of this photograph as instead of focussing on the actual item of clothing, it seems to focus on the words 'love your vibe'. This could symbolise a wider meaning within youth, in that it is a time to express yourself and be exactly who you want to be.

This image partially captures the models face and as a result, this shows more of the person wearing the clothing than any other image. Therefore, it could be suggested that this image is more intimate and personal than the others. The fact that we only see part of her face could connote that she is hiding herself or that she is not completely letting her true self show.

Both of these images capture both the top and bottoms of peoples outfits, so that we can get a sense of the full outfit. Even though it is framed so that we only see a part of it, we can still get a true feel of the styles of these two people and, by comparing them, we can see how different they are. This could represent how each individual is unique and has their own personal opinions on fashion.

I enjoy the contrast that has been created from the girl's brown hair against the black and white top. Whilst it is not a bright, vibrant colour, it still creates interesting contrast and brings a lot of attention towards the hair. 

This image could connote how brands are important to young people, as the person in this photograph is wearing an Adidas sweatshirt. The way that the sweatshirt is just a plain black colour and the background is just white really makes the logo pop and bring a lot of attention towards it, making it the punctum of the image as it stands out against the rest of the simple image.

I really enjoy how the wristbands this girl is wearing really pop against the rest of the image and draw a lot of attention here. The rest of this girls outfit is black, and so these vibrant wristbands could be her way of bringing some colour into her outfit. These wristbands could be argued to be the punctum of the image as they are so bright against the rest of the picture.

As I want my final 40 images to look completely cohesive, I decided that having all of my images in black and white would help and so I edited some of these images to be black and white. Below are the results.

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