Wednesday 23 November 2016

Shoot Four - Work Diary

This shoot is part two to my third shoot and focusses on the belongings of others rather than myself. I did this to get a range of different representations and show how different or similar people represent themselves. I found some similarities with the objects used, for example, teddies and jewellery. This has shown that these items are popular with youth and people hold similar objects close to their hearts. It can also show how although people are similar, they can be completely different through the design and themes of the objects. I feel that this shoot was successful as it clearly displays the objects that were chosen to represent the owners and is similar to the last, so it is easy to see that the two shoots are linked.

Camera settings: 1/125, ISO 200, f8 - I used the light meter to work out these settings.
Above is the lighting set up for this shoot. As I was taking pictures of small objects. I decided to use a table and bring the backdrop over the tabletop in order to get a clean background. I set up the soft box lights at different angles in order to get a good distribution of light as the way that I was stood did block the light at certain angles.

I really enjoy the outcome of this image as I think it clearly shows that it is a childhood toy. The way that the toy is positioned is so that it is sat like a real dog, and so adds some genuineness to the image. The use of a childhood toy and the simple colours of this image add a touch of innocence and nostalgia that many people can relate to and enjoy, so this photo would reach out to the viewer and draw them in through these emotions.

I did not like this image as it is not very clear that it is a choker and it does not really represent the owner in any way. I also feel that there is not enough going on in this image as the choker is just a plain black colour and I have positioned it so that it is simply stretched out in a line. I feel that this image could be made more interesting with some colour or if I had made a shape out of the choker, but this image just appears a bit boring in my opinion.

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