Wednesday 23 November 2016

Shoot Three - Straight Images

I really enjoy the vibrant colours in this image, and how on the face of the voodoo doll the bright green and pink paint seems to pop and stand out in the photo. The way that the picture has been set up is almost like this is a portrait of the doll and as if it is a person, which I find interesting. I like how all of the colours clash, as this creating high contrast and makes the paint stand out even more.

This image has more of an editorial feel to it due to the plan white background and how central the wand is in the image. I like how the object seems to be perfectly centred as it is very visually appealing. The wand is a collectable item from the movie 'Harry Potter', and so it is clear that this belongs to a fan of the movies. 

This image also has an editorial look to it as a result of the narrow depth of field used. The depth of field really helps the viewer focus purely on the charms of this bracelet as the rest of the image is blurred, making this part of the image pop even more. I enjoy how the charm with the blue and pink on seems to really stand out against the rest of the plain silver charms and the black bracelet as it makes it seem more important than the rest.

I enjoy how this image has a messy and cluttered look to it as it looks as though the lipsticks were just thrown on to the table. By doing this, you can see the differences in all of the colours and see how different all of the packaging is. It is clear that, from the amount of lipsticks on the table, this is a strong interest of the owner.

The way that this picture was taken makes the teddy seem quite big as it is not entirely in frame. There is a slightly narrow depth of field in this image - the bottom is slightly out of focus. This draws more attention to the face of the teddy where we can see how worn it is - this shows how old and love this teddy is.

1 comment:

  1. annotate why these images were chosen, are they of sentimental value?
