Wednesday 23 November 2016

Shoot Three - Work Diary

My third shoot is one of two that I will be conducing as a series. These photographs focus on "prized possessions" or items that represent the owner as a person. For this shoot, I used my own items as I wanted to represent myself through my belongings. I wanted my images to be simple and focus entirely on the object itself without any distractions, so I took to the studio to conduct this photoshoot and used the tabletop and a white background as a base. This results in the viewer only looking at the object in the photo and allows them to get a real feeling of who I am as a person and what my interests are. I am pleased with the outcome of these photos as I feel that I was successful in getting the exact images I wanted and feel that they represent me well.

Camera settings: 1/125, ISO 200, f8 - I used the light meter to work out these settings.
Above is the lighting set up for this shoot. As I was taking pictures of small objects. I decided to use a table and bring the backdrop over the tabletop in order to get a clean background. I set up the soft box lights at different angles in order to get a good distribution of light as the way that I was stood did block the light at certain angles.

This image is my favourite from the shoot. I enjoy how the use of depth of field really brings your attention to the charms on the bracelet as this is the only thing in focus. Whilst the charms are facing upwards, you can still work out what they are and I feel that this also adds some uniqueness to the photograph. I feel that if all of the charms were facing the camera, it would seem too set up and artificial as this is usually how the bracelet usually would sit on my wrist and so seems more realistic. 

Whilst this image is simplistic and captures what I was looking for in my images, I feel that it is too simple as there isn't much going on with the object itself. I also feel like I should have focussed more on the placement and framing of the object as it is off centre and is slightly tilted, so the overall image appears slightly off. If the image was positioned right and was cropped closer to the ears, I feel that I would be much happier with it as I enjoy the pop of colour from the red against the white and black of the rest of the image.

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