Tuesday 1 November 2016

Shoot Two - Straight Images

I really enjoy this image as although it was in a studio set up, it still seems completely natural and shows the girls having a laugh. You can tell that the expressions on these girls faces are genuine which, I feel, makes the image so appealing. I also quite like how they only fill in two thirds of the image and are off centre as it makes the image a bit more unique. 

In this image the girl has a deadpan expression as she stares directly into the camera. I like the effect that this has as you feel like she is staring straight at you. The purpose of this image was to exhibit her sweatshirt, as I wanted this to be an example of youth fashion today. Another thing I enjoy about this image is how her light hair stands out against her black jumper.

This is another image where the two girls are both in frame, being completely natural and acting in front of the camera. I like the style of the photographs as, although it has been set up in a studio, they are still acting themselves in front of the camera and, as they are comfortable, are acting in ways that are entertaining for the viewer. 

The way that the girl in this image is hiding her face could imply that she is shy or nervous in front of the camera. Although her face is covered, we can still get a glimpse of her style and so it still gives us information on how the young generation of today dressed - this is a completely casual outfit and so is a realistic representation of the day to day fashion of youth.

I think this image is interesting as it is just the one girl in the frame, yet it looks like she is interacting with someone as her arms are outstretched and she is smiling towards the right of the frame. This leaves some mystery to the image as we do not know who she is directed towards. All we can see in this image is the genuinely happy expression on her face which I enjoy.

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