Tuesday 1 November 2016

Shoot Two - Work Diary

For this shoot, I decided to use the studio as I wanted to explore different ways that I could represent youth. For this, I used two models and decided to take different images to capture both their style and their friendship. I wanted these images to seem more natural as I did not want to give a false picture of who these girls are. I felt I was successful in this as I asked the two girls to just act naturally in front of the camera and joke around whilst I took images. One problem I found with this shoot was that sometimes the girls would seem to pose more than act naturally as the studio was a more formal space to take photographs and seemed too set up. As a result, I have decided to not use the studio to take these styles of photographs for my project. 

Camera settings: 1/125, ISO 200, f5.6 - this was based on the light meter readings.

Above is the diagram for my lighting set up for this shoot. As it was a basic shoot where I simply took pictures of people in front of the camera, I used a simple set up with two softbox lights on either side of myself.

This was my favourite image from the shoot as it captures their friendship perfectly as they are laughing together and going in for a hug. This image is completely candid and so appears more raw. The expressions on their faces are genuine and so this image may be relatable to the viewer. I also enjoy how they are off centre as it seems less posed as a result.

Whilst I like this image, the girls do not have much expression or emotion on their faces and so it does not seem as fun or relaxed as the others. This image is an example of how some of my photographs seemed more set up or more tense due to being in the studio. I do not feel that this image looks how I intended my results to look. 

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