Tuesday 31 January 2017

Shoot Eight - Work Diary

This shoot is a continuation from shoot seven as it is conducted in the same bedroom, however this shoot focuses on the bedroom itself and does not actually feature any people in the image. This shoot is inspired by Adrienne Salinger's bedroom series, however I am carrying mine out in just the one bedroom and it focuses on just the surroundings rather than the person in their bedroom. I wanted the images from this shoot to be in colour as previously I have just explored black and white, and want to see how I feel with coloured images for this theme. I feel I have been successful in this shoot as it definitely shows all aspects of her bedroom and we can clearly get a sense of who this girl is and what her interests are, for example, with her make up display we can tell that make up is an interest of hers. However, I preferred having black and white images for my project and so I will definitely continue with this theme in future shoots. I will also edit these images to be black and white if I choose to include them in my final 40 so they do not seem out of place.

Camera settings: 1/125, ISO 800, f8.

I really enjoy this image as it shows a lot of her belongings - particularly hair products. The bright colours of these objects make them pop against the white wall and dressing table and so your attention is immediately drawn to this area. Not only is there hair products, but in the centre of the table there is alcoholic drinks and shot glasses and so this image can still conform to rebellious stereotypes.

I do not like the effect that has been created by me using a birds eye view as I feel that the lamp is obscuring most of the view, and taking away from what I really wanted to be the focus of the image. I wanted to capture the objects sat on the table (the hairbrush, phone, purse, etc) but instead I feel that the lamp is the focal point of this image as it is so big and bright compared to that rest of the image.

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