Tuesday 31 January 2017

Shoot Seven - Straight Image

I like how these images are very relaxed as she is laying/sitting on her bed looking at the iPad in both photos. It is as if she is ignoring that the camera is there, which is the feel that I wanted to get from these images. This image shows how young people have a strong interest in technology and social media as she is ignoring what is happening around her whilst she looks at her iPad.

This image mostly focuses on her outfit and surroundings rather than the girl herself as it is framed so that it does not show her face. The girl's outfit it quite dark, which creates contrasting tones with the white furniture and walls around her. This really makes her stand out against the room and become the focal point of the image.

Both of these images conform to the stereotype of rebellious youth as they show the girl vaping and drinking. These are both seen as quite rebellious acts, especially as the girl could be underage drinking which would then become illegal. However, the girl is doing both of these things in a casual setting so it could be suggested that this is a typical thing for her to do.

In these images, the girl is looking into a palette mirror as she applied lipstick. This could have connotations of femininity and conforming to the gender roles in society as she is applying make up - something often associated with being 'girly'. The use of black and white prevents the viewer from seeing what colour the lipstick is, which I find interesting as it adds some mystery to the image. 

Again, the tones in this image create high contrast between the girl and the rest of the room as her clothing as hair make her appear quite dark, whilst the majority of the rest of the image is white. Whilst we cannot see what she is doing, she is stood by a chest of draws with make up and a mirror on top, so she is presumably doing her make up. 

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