Tuesday 31 January 2017

Shoot Seven - Work Diary

For this shoot I decided to focus on just the one girl as I wanted to represent an individual rather than her as part of a group or a group as a whole. This shoot was conducted in the girl's bedroom to make it more personal as not only would you be able to see her belongings within the image, but I felt that it would make both the shoot and the image seem more relaxed. I feel I was successful in this as the girl was completely natural in front of the camera and I managed to get some images that I really liked. I also feel that I was successful in represent who this girl is as a person and her personality as I captured images of her doing activities that she would do normally, such as putting on make up and playing on her iPad.

Camera settings: 1/125, ISO 800, f8.

This was my favourite image from the shoot. I really enjoy how she is blowing the smoke from her vape towards the camera lens, as it slightly obscures her face. This gives a feeling of mystery to the image as we cannot clearly make out her face. Although we cannot see her face properly, we still get an insight into who she is as we now know that she vapes. I think the tone in this image are also interesting as there is a high contrast between her clothing/hair and the rest of the image, which really makes her stand out against the white wall.

I did not like this image for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that you can slightly see her face in the mirror - I didn't want to capture her face in this image as I wanted there to be a slightly mysterious element to the photograph - much like the image above. I also don't like how there is a slight blur with her hair as she moved her head. I did not want to capture any movement during this shoot and so this image was not successful.

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