Tuesday 24 January 2017

Shoot Six - Straight Image

With this image I like how it focuses more on the surrounding of the girls and what they are doing rather than just being a portrait of them. We can still see both of them in the image, however their faces are out of frame and we mainly focus on the ring of cards and drink on the floor. By hiding their identities, this could connote that these activities are relevant to all of youth.

These two images focus on the two subjects of this shoot. They relate to the first image within these straight images as it shows them sat in the same positions, however this time we can see their faces. The first of these two images show a girl covering her face as she laughs - this is more of a candid image, and I like how there is a slight blur as it captures her movement. The second image is more posed as the girl is staring straight into the camera whilst she drinks her drink.

I really enjoy this image as it shows the relationship between the girl and the dog. It shows a more innocent side to youth as it simple shows how she cares about her pet. The tones in this image create a strong contrast which brings your focus straight to the girls face as this is the lightest tone in the image.

This does not explicitly show any youth, but instead shows their surroundings and the mess created by them. The table is filled with greasy pizza boxes and bottles of drink, which implies that young people eat and drink a lot of junk. This image also connotes how young people may not care about their surrounding as the mess has not been cleaned up.

This image shows the two girls sat on the sofa, both looking at their iPads. This relates to how technology and social media is an integral part of youth culture as they are both sat looking at their devices, not interacting with each other. Therefore, this image could connote how technology has made this generation more anti-social.

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