Tuesday 24 January 2017

Shoot Six - Work Diary

For this shoot I decided to follow on from shoot one and focus on capturing an average night in for a group of girls. I felt that conducting a shoot like this would help portray a more realistic side of youth as this is a more regular occurrence than, for example, going to a party. During this shoot, I aimed to capture candid images of the two girls, as well as the surroundings and their activities. I feel that I was successful in including all of these elements in my images and so as a result this was a successful shoot.

Camera settings: 1/125, ISO 400, f8

This was my favourite image from the shoot as I felt it clearly represents the two subjects of the series. There is a card game being played and there is a drink visible next to one of the girls, which suggests that is a drinking game. This could represent youth as fun or rebellious, but the fact that there is just two girls sat on the floor playing this game suggests that it is a relaxed setting and this is purely for entertainment. The girl who is most visible in this image is eating an ice cream, which also suggests that these two people are just relaxing.

I did not like this image due to the girl in the top of the image moving her hands, which meant that this part of the photograph was blurry and therefore does not look right. If the hands were kept still, this image may have been successful. Not only this, but I feel that the top of the image is too heavily shadowed compared to the lighter tones in the middle and bottom of the image. I only wanted the cards to be illuminated but instead the bottom two thirds are illuminated. 

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