Wednesday 1 February 2017

Shoot Nine - Straight Image

This image shows a jug of water, a glass and a paper cup. The paper cup has connotations of medication as this is was it is given in and so further shows the serious side of this shoot. I enjoy the use of levels in this image as the objects have been set out in height order. There is a leading line with the table's edge, and as you follow the line the objects get bigger. This is what I find interesting about this image as typically, when you follow the leading line, things will get smaller.

I like this image as, although you cannot clearly see that it is a hospital gown due to it being folded up, the design on it is universal and so you can make a good assumption that it is. This is a typical convention of being in hospital and so it clearly goes with the theme of this shoot.

In this image you can see my belongings sat on a chair, and my coat draped over the back. This image helps to show how little living space I had in the hospital as all of my belongings were bound to one chair. This could imply that being in hospital felt very cramped and that the small space that I did have was truly mine.

This image shows the hospital band around my wrist and is, what I feel, gives this shoot a sense of intimacy as it explicitly shows who I am. I like that my birthday is shown in this image as it clearly explains that I am a young person and helps show the viewer this as they may not know me personally.

Both of these images were taken from the same spot, but at different times. They are both the view from my hospital bed, except the second image shows the cleaning equipment used to clean the ward.  These two images show how small any changes in scenery were and that life carried on whilst I was in bed.

This is an image of the television and phone that was attached to my bed. As the only source of entertainment from the bed, it shows how little there was to do in hospital. Also, this image could connote how dependant young people are on technology as this is the only technology I has access too. Compared to iPhones, iPads, laptops, TVs and much more outside of the hospital, this is very minimal.

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