Wednesday 1 February 2017

Shoot Nine - Work Diary

As I was admitted into hospital for a few days, I was unable to conduct any shoots outside surrounding my friends. I decided to use this to my advantage and, as I am a young person myself, conduct a shoot on myself. This shoot shows a more serious and perhaps more negative side of youth as my shoots so far have only shown a happy and carefree environment. I decided that I would capture my surroundings within the hospital to reflect the issue of youth and illness. I felt I was successful in this as I managed to capture exactly what my hospital surroundings were like and I really enjoyed the outcome on the images. 

This image is my favourite from the shoot as it shows exactly what I saw ahead of me when I sat in my bed. As you can see, the view is far from picturesque which I actually quite enjoy in this photo as it shows how dull being in hospital can really be. I like the use of depth of field in this image also as it is quite shallow, the duvet that is closest to the camera is blurred so that more focus is drawn towards the background of the image.

I did not like this image as much. I felt that it represented who I was as it had my name and date of birth, however I felt that the framing was off and that it would have looked better if my wrist was more central in the image. I also feel that the reflection of the light on the band is quite annoying as it slightly obscures the writing, making it unclear to read.

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