Thursday 2 February 2017

Shoot Ten - Work Diary

For this shoot, I decided to take my two friends to a playground and have them play around on the equipment as a 'reconnection to their childhood'. I wanted to capture them both being completely natural and messing around on the play area as I felt this would be a fun shoot and would also show a more carefree and innocent side of youth, as opposed to the more rebellious themes of alcohol and partying that I have shown before. I felt I was successful in this as I managed to get some pictures that I really enjoyed and the two girls were completely relaxed and natural in front of the camera, meaning I got some great candid pictures as well as ones where they posed.

This image was one that I really enjoyed. Whilst I was aiming more for candid pictures and in this she is posing, the face she is pulling is quite cheesy and very happy and I feel that this makes the image seem quite fun and cheery. I enjoy how I have managed to get this happy effect without the use of colour as often happiness is associated with bright and bold colours. This simply focusses on the mood of the girl as opposed to the emotion of the image overall.

Whilst I like this image as a whole, the girl within the picture has moved her face whilst I took it and therefore this area has blurred. Some of my images do have a slight blur as it has captured their movement and I do like this within the pictures from this shoot. However, with this image, the blur is in front of her face only and is quite extreme and I feel that this distracts you from looking at the image as a whole.

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