Thursday 2 February 2017

Shoot Ten - Straight Image

These two images both show the two girls climbing on the play equipment. As it is made for children, the climbing area is quite small and the girls appear to be too big for it. This could connote how, when we were young, these structures seemed to be huge towers, and that perhaps we have lost out sense of childhood wonder as now they are just small structures.

I enjoy this image as the background of this image is quite plain, as it really draws your attention to the girl climbing on the ball. I also really enjoy the framing and that she is only in a third of the image as it appears quite different. I find the tones in this image interesting as well as, although there isn't a large contrast in them, her clothing is still slightly darker in tone which makes her stand out the most.

Both of these photos show the girls on the swings, with the second one just showing the girl on the left. The girls are both sat on top of baby swings rather than regular swings, which could suggest that they are trying to be younger than they are or that they are trying to reconnect with this part of their childhood. I like that these images are slightly blurred in places from movement as it makes the moment seem more genuine. I enjoy that these two images are more candid than the first two in these straight images.

Again, this image is slightly blurred in places due to the movement of the two girls on the see-saw, however I do really like the effect this has as it does make the image more candid and it helps show that it was not set up or posed. I also like that you can only see one of the girls faces, yet we know they are both laughing and having fun due to just her expression.

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